Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mission Trip

I leave for Managua, Nicaragua in 12 days! I can't believe it's so close! I felt like I need to go on a mission trip after Kevin came home from his trip to Peru in July of 2008, so for it to be less than 2 weeks away is crazy! I really can't wait to go. The team is small, only 5, so we get to do a lot of things bigger teams cannot do. We will be visiting the children's hospital. I am sure this will be very tough for me. I hate to see sick children, and to see them in a third world country will only be harder. We will be tying ballons and face painting, which I'm sure will bring much needed joy to the children. We will also go to the school that is a part of the church. I am hoping to teach in the English class! I really hope that a some of the ladies will show me how to cook a few Nicaraguan dishes! Kevin and I love 'mexican' food! (yes, I know I'm not going to Mexico, but we love all latin food, Pueto Rico, Dominican Republic, Peruvian) I'm mostly excited about doing whatever the Lord wants. I get a chance to get away from all the distractions and because I'll be in a 3rd world country, I will have to totally depend on GOD. So be ready! When I get back, I'm sure I'll have plenty to blogg about!!

Monday, January 12, 2009


I was bored the other day, and feeling like Spring-time, so I got out my trusty stamps and made a few cards :) It's very theraputic for me, since I am addicted to card making, hehe! I hope you enoy them, and thanks for looking!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas in SC-part 2

ok, so here are a few more pics I had to share!! We decided to take a picture of all the grandchildren (minus the 2 older ones who did not make it, sniff, sniff)....this was the best I got with my camera. My younger sis, Beth has a really nice camera, so maybe she'll send me the good pics...hint, hint! It was so good to see my family! I miss them very much!

Here are some of the pictures from our visit with my family in SC.

1. Kayla, Logan, Ethan and Ryleigh

2.The new babies of the fam

3. My sis, Pam with the 'twinkies"

4.Making pancakes with grandma

5. Ryleigh with Granddaddy Robinson

Christmas in Virginia

Here are a few pics from our time in Virgina with Kevin's family.

Ryleigh's presents and her fairy costume

The "girls"

Christmas in '